For the Balinese word Tajen very well known by the whole society, Tajen here is a form of gambling among the community with the object of fighting cock, Tajen usually been associated often associated with religious ceremonies of red drum, but cockfighting chicken is actually very far away with percussion core The red, sheathed in a series of religious ceremonies, the tradition of this cockfight is actually a gambling community because of the red drum there is no element of gambling (metoh) in it, but in Tajen all those actors who are in the area Tajen do gambling with gambling almost reached nominal value tens of millions every time the fighting cock fight in the arena tajen. The bebotoh cheered give suport to chicken aduannya to win, in this case many terms commonly used by bebotoh to give the value of bets such as word cokcok, odd odd, Kangin Kangin, Kauh Kauh, kaje kaje, Kelod Kelod and many more terms such as nlude nlude = three against two, sharpening wheels = same same, and so forth. To get the legality, usually the bebotoh use religious ceremony that is Tabuh Rah, in this case what we want to parse it so that deviations Tabuh Rah Tajen Judi can be seen clearly. Red drum is a sprinkling of animal blood sacrifice be in conjunction with religious ceremonies (Yadnya) and before animals will be used as a means Tabuh Rah purification ceremony is always given first, and not arbitrary in semblih directly or cut and blood on the ground or a place described to the ceremony or ritual performed. Sources use of red drum are contained in the Panca Yadnya five basic forms of offerings and red drum are listed in the inscription Bali Kuna (Tambra inscription), namely Inscription Çaka Sukawana A l 804, Inscription Batur Çaka Abang A 933, 944 Stone Inscription Çaka and some religious palmyra like Siwatattwapurana and Yadnyaprakerti. The purpose and function of Tabuh Rah is a sequence or series of ceremonial or religious upakara (Yadnya) in the form of a sprinkling of sacrificial animal blood that consists of several species of animals used are chicken, pork, duck, buffalo, and others. Sowing is done with the blood of the slaughtered, "satha war" (telung perahatan) equipped with a race-complaint: pecan, eggs, coconut, Andel, Andel, along with equipment upakaranya. Rah Tabuh here is normally carried out at places and times when the ceremony took place by the Yajamana. At the time war came anyway dedamping satha whose meaning as a representation or embodiment of the Yajamana beryadnya sincerity, and not a gambling motive. Complaints or fighting cocks that do not comply with the provisions of the above is not a war nor a sequence satha Yadnya ceremony. In the inscriptions mentioned that the implementation of red drum do not ask permission to the authorities. Penyambleh is sowing the sacrificial animal blood by cutting the animal's neck or stabbed with a dagger. In an age of Majapahit termed a "hack Gulu chicken." Satha War is a cock fight held in a series of religious ceremonies (Yadnya). In this case used is the gamecock, conducted three rounds. (Telung perahatan) which implies that the meaning of the magical number three as a symbol of beginning middle and end. Essence of war is as a symbol rather than struggle (Galungan) between dharma with adharma. Tabuh Rah in the form of "war sata" is a dresta prevailing in society that its implementation may be replaced with "penyambleh". Prior to performing the "war sata", must meet the following requirements: Bhuta Yadnya ceremony which may be accompanied "sata war" is: Caru Panca Kelud (Pancasanak madurgha). Caru Rsi Ghana. Caru Back Oath. Tawur Court. Tawur Labuh Gentuh. Tawur Pancawalikrama. Eka Dasa Rudra Tawur. Implementation was done in a ceremony at the end the ceremony. Accompanied by adu tingkih, adu pangi, adu taluh, coconut contest, Andel-Andel and upakaranya. Implementation is the Yajamana with ceremonial dress. Maximum sata war carried out "three parahatan" (3 sehet) is not accompanied by any bets.
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