Thursday, April 7, 2011

Metatah - Balinese Cutting Teeth

There are so many traditional ceremonies in Bali, starting from just opening the pass, moving house, which is included simple. Until a complicated example ngotonin or birthday, or cutting teeth mesangih include being. The most elaborate example ngusaba nini, mapekelem, memungkah.

The so-called early move house and the pass, just about the environment, which both cut teeth and oton, human concerns. While ngusaba, memungkah regarding the creator or Ida Sang Hing Widhi.

When it comes to the pass and move, just a week. Otonan and pieces of gear that could be for 2 weeks preparation. While memungkah could for a month.

Ceremony of cutting teeth are usually required to those who have grown-up, aged between 15 to 20 years. On a good day that has been determined, participants cut the teeth since the morning had done such thing clean soul sport. They bathed in a customary manner with flower water 7. There are rose, and other interest natural fragrance.

After that they are going to cut your teeth with custom clothing makeup greatness. His name is great dres. For men consists of the top headband with gold leaf motif, while the female flower bun also with real gold.

His clothes for participants metatah man wearing a white dress made of silk fabric with leaf-patterned incisions of different kinds of flowers and rare wildlife.

Headband patterned meanings, are those which cut teeth is expected to be able to control his thoughts so that is always clear and clean.

At the time, usually before noon, when the master of ceremonies was to prepare pieces of gear offerings and other appliances, dental cutting participants will be guided by their parents to custom bale. Ground whole family companion taulan neighbors and relatives had been waiting with compassion.

That day they will be witness to the end of childhood for one of their family. Cut the tooth itself its meaning is to eliminate all kinds of evil in human beings.

After performing worship 3 times, which would cut their teeth start sacred ritual. Resting on the mattress is still complete with oversized custom clothing. The first one is done, bite the cane to prop the jaw so it is not closed during the process pengikiran teeth. The first one is done symbolically carve with a small chisel six upper teeth, two tusks, two front teeth and two teeth next to it. It's symbolic that 6 enemy within will soon be removed. It consists of a desire to play gambling, stealing, womanizing, drinking, drunkenness and opium.

Then with full concentration sangging or expert in custom pieces of gear will do the job. Canines and 4 upper teeth would be filed in slowly to make it flat. This lasted several minutes, then cut their teeth will be given a mirror to see if the teeth are flat, not pointy fangs again. When a family that's around bale will custom make comments if her teeth are good or not.

Then performed the sacred mouthwash, using tirta made with a specific prayer. Followed by water kumuran bend it into a coconut that has been dikasturi. Karturi mean punctured with a sharp knife that has been purified with hexagon-shaped simetres. Ivory palm was then collected and with a certain ceremony in the waste into the river that flows into the sea. Meaning all the bad things that exist in human beings has been destroyed.

Furthermore, participants are given betel cutting teeth that have been given the sacred mantra, they should bite him 3 times, meaning after cutting their teeth with a view to start something new, more pragmatic, no longer carry the childhood that melenakan and sometimes annoying.

Only then they can view the first down, but before stepping on first three times pengelukatan offerings. That is after all evils completely destroyed then those who follow cutting teeth ceremony can begin to step into a higher level in the next life.

There are 4 levels in the life of the Balinese, the first 25 years called brahmacari, their opportunities to explore science as high as possible. Grahasta 25 years latter, when they started building and collecting household wealth, the third was 25 years when they've bhiksuka could be asked his opinion for the benefit of society at large by becoming a leader. While the last 25 years is wanaprasta, when men leave all the glittering world of nature enter nirvana before facing the inventor.

Cut off the tooth is toward the future brahmacari grahasta. Those who have not cut teeth is not advisable to do the marriage ceremony first. Because when following the marriage ceremony would be preceded by ceremonial first cut teeth.

That Bali, there are many series of ceremonies are full of meaning, which in essence is how the relationship between human nature and human beings with a fellow human being with his god is maintained in a harmonious, balanced and harmonious tune.


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