Pura Taman Sari environment which consists of two buahmeru including Tumpang eleven and nine overlapping Meru and essentially based on the giant tortoise, surrounded by the pool, wrapped by a dragon A nanthaboga, tells when the gods turned the water of life (A mrita) for happiness and prosperity.
Locati on
Environment Pura Taman Sari is located in Banjar Sengguhan, northeast Semarapura city, is located around 500 meters, can be achieved with either two-wheeled vehicles and wheeled empatsertas the course is paved. Precisely at the Village Semarapura.
Pura Taman Sari environment has not been a lot of tourist visits, only visited in the framework of research relati ng to the objects of prehistoric research.
Environment Pura Taman Sari is located in Banjar Sengguhan, northeast Semarapura city, is located around 500 meters, can be achieved with either two-wheeled vehicles and wheeled empatsertas the course is paved. Precisely at the Village Semarapura.
Pura Taman Sari environment has not been a lot of tourist visits, only visited in the framework of research rel
Locati on of Pura Taman Sari in the Northeast corner of Klungkung town approximately 500 meters from downtown. The beauty of the temple is visible from menyembulnya Meru and Meru Intercropping Intercropping Eleven Nine out of a pond. From decorati ve Tumpang Eleven can we understand that it is like Mount Meru Maha Meru is based on the giant tortoise, immersed in the sea of milk. Then the gods and the giants play Maha Meru mountain with a dragon A nanthaboga as pembelitnya. With the whirl of the mountain in the sea of milk it produced a wide range of products, such as A mrita (Water of life). Thus the range of products, such as A mrita (Water of life). Thus according to the stories contained in the A di Parwa the greatness of the meaning of A mrita as a giver of life water world and the prosperity and purity. Ceritra theme is very suitable with the function of the environmental life of Pura Taman Sari. Pura Taman Sari environment as a place to glorify the greatness of Majapahit danmenyimpan heirloom weapons owned by Dynasti Kepakisan as a ruler who was commissioned by the King of Majapahit to set the tranquility of the island of Bali. Even if the weapons are highly exalted grandeur has been captured by the Dutch in the war Puputan Klungkung in 1908, Padma A nglayang namuan decorati ons as symbols of power of Majapahit still present in this temple environment. Environment This temple was built in the late seventeenth century is when it starts to move the king descendant dynasty of Gelgel Kepakisan to Klungkung as sesuhunan in Bali . Recorded the most important moments of the Environment Pura Taman Sari is when the Great Gods Wife Kania command to destroy the Dutch invasion of 1849 in Kusamba. Of Pura Taman Sari environment to use the weapon he was commissioned by the name I assigned to soldiers Seliksik Klungkung. The mission assignment was succeeded brilliantly, the Dutch army ravaged the coast Kusamba and the biggest losses is the death of Gen. Michiels in the fighting. Since restored by the Preservati on of A ntiquities of Bali began in 1979, the environmental beauty of this temple is back as usual. Source
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